Addiction Recovery For Business Professionals

When it comes to getting treatment, we understand the sensitivity faced by someone in your position. Your busy schedule, along with a strict need for privacy, was our inspiration in developing the Strategic Recovery Course.

We were unwavering in developing a solution that is comprehensive, supportive and effective, while at the same time being respectful of your dignity.

Life Can Be Difficult​

The Toll on a Business Professional

Dealing with the stress and isolation that comes from the perpetual pursuit of success can be overwhelming. Expectations are high, be they self-imposed or otherwise. This may lead you to seek out coping mechanisms that come to manifest as addictions.

At Executive Addiction Recovery Services, we understand the unique challenges faced by executives, entrepreneurs, and other business professionals struggling with addiction. Our Strategic Recovery Course provides a comprehensive, effective and private online approach to help you overcome addiction.

Regain Control of Your Life​

Our Strategic Recovery Course will help you overcome destructive patterns and behaviors. By addressing your physical, emotional and mental challenges, you will come to realize a genuine life renewal. You will enjoy enriched relationships – both personally and professionally. Your reputation will be strengthened with you consistently operating from a place of integrity in all aspects of your life.

Do Any Of These Statements Resonate With You?

You may be in denial. Let’s take a quick look at that.

  • I find it challenging to control or stop my substance use or compulsive behaviors.
  • My using and/or destructive behaviors are a coping mechanism for stress, anxiety, or other emotions.
  • My my substance use and/or behaviors are affecting my performance at work and are hindering my career goals.
  • I am struggling to maintain both personal and professional relationships.
  • I feel a sense of guilt or shame surrounding my behavior and it’s affecting my overall quality of life and well-being.

If any of the above ring true, completing our Strategic Recovery Course will change your life – likely dramatically.

Strategic Recovery Course

Meet Brian as he discusses his approach to recovery.

The Strategic Recovery Course Advantage


Our learning platform is secure and your real name will not be used other than in our billing system where credentials for a valid credit card are enrypted and stored. Your display name within the learning platform is of your choosing.


The Strategic Recovery Course is based on proven therapeutic practices. By engaging fully in the lessons and exercises, you will enjoy a transformation. Your perspective, previously distorted by addiction, will change profoundly.


You could go to a treatment center but that can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars to say nothing of the interruption to your personal and professional life. Our Strategic Recovery Course is an effective alternative at a fraction of the cost.


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